2018 Cornell University Partners in Sustainability Award - Community Partner

April 1, 2018

Cornell Campus Sustainability Office | Spring 2018

The Cornell University Partners in Sustainability Award (CUPSA) annual recognition puts a well-deserved spotlight on individuals and teams who make notable town-gown contributions to sustainable development, and social equity, in and around Ithaca

Ithaca Carshare, now in its 10th year, is a membership service offering 24/7 self-serve access to fuel-efficient cars, a minivan, and a truck parked on both campus and in the community.

Cornell is proud to subsidize annual memberships for students, faculty, and staff, many who are now rethinking the car-owning habit, while saving money and contributing to a healthier planet.

Bike Walk Tompkins is a program under Ithaca Carshare, and has recently taken the lead on bringing a bike-share program to Ithaca as part of its Blueprint for Better Bicycling program.

Bike Walk Tompkins and the City of Ithaca are partnering to bring 200 bicycles to the community for a new dockless bike-share program launching in April.