Epsilon Eta, a new professional fraternity at Cornell University, is the 1st fraternity at Cornell focused on sustainability. The organization is intended for young individuals seeking post-graduate positions in fields involving sustainability. Epsilon Eta Cornell is the 10th of its kind in the US.
The vision for Epsilon Eta came from the desire to make change by bringing together those who have similar sustainability passions across different disciplines. Epsilon Eta's goal is to "bring people together to form a network that persists beyond graduation."
Globally, the issue of sustainability is currently being discussed across multiple sectors including academia, government, industry, and NGOs. Epsilon Eta:
Is intended for those with a passion for sustainability from multiple disciplines
Is not just a fraternity for Environmental Science students or CALS students
Through professional development, community outreach, and service activities, membership in this fraternity will change how its members view themselves and their capabilities within the world around them.
One of the founders of the Cornell chapter, Carli Fraccarolli, is a senior majoring in Environmental & Sustainability Sciences and Urban Sustainability. Though this is her last semester at Cornell, her goal is to "create an organization that will sustain many more years of Cornellians to come."
On the future of Epsilon Eta, Carli says:
I hope that Epsilon Eta will help prepare undergraduate Cornellians to be leaders and advocates for sustainability in their respective fields. As the term “sustainability” is so ambiguous, I want to bring clarity to the members of Epsilon Eta on what sustainability could mean for them, both now and in their future careers. Bridging the gap between environmentalism and professional or business fields, Epsilon Eta will strive to foster a conscious awareness of the intrinsic relationship between people and their environment.
Epsilon Eta will soon be recruiting its inaugural class. Their rush schedule consists of:
2 Interest Meetings:
February 5, 2018 from 6 PM to 7 PM in Stimson G01
February 6, 2018 from 5 PM to 6 PM in Stimson G01.
Attendance at one of these meetings is mandatory.
Coffee Chats:
February 7, 2018, location TBA
February 8, 2018, location TBA
These are not mandatory but highly suggested for getting to know prospective members.