RSVP & Nominate: Student Sustainability Awards

Campus Sustainability Office April 7, 2022

Join us for the annual Student Sustainability Awards at Cornell University to recognize the outstanding sustainability organizations and students making change happen here on campus and beyond. Formerly known as the Golden Gorge Awards

We are happy to announce this year's ceremony will take place in-person again on Friday, May 13th from 12:00-1:30pm on the Willard Straight Hall Terrace. Please RSVP for the awards ceremony today.

Also, we need your nominations! Please take a moment to submit a short nomination or two for student sustainability organizations, events, projects, advisors, team members, and even yourself. Nominations deadline extended to Sunday, May 1st at 5:00pm EST. 

See you there!
ECO & the Campus Sustainability Office

RSVP Today!
Submit your nominations by Monday, April 25th at 5:00pm EST