Sustainability Degree Programs

Sustainability Degree Programs  

Cornell University offers a vast array of sustainability-related degree programs for both undergraduate and graduate students. We strive to provide impactful teaching that encourages students to work toward a more sustainable future. Students gain both an understanding of the sustainability challenges that exist within their field of study, as well as the tools necessary for developing and implementing innovative solutions that tackle sustainability from environmental, social, and economic aspects.

Undergraduate students are able to choose from several majors focused on or directly related to sustainability. By choosing to major in one of the following majors, students will develop both an understanding of sustainability challenges, as well as an education that equips them to be able to implement positive change within their specific discipline and area of study.


Agricultural Sciences 

Animal Science 

Atmospheric Science 

Biological and Environmental Engineering 

Civil and Environmental Engineering 

Design + Environmental Analysis 


Earth and Atmospheric Sciences 

Environment and Sustainability 

Fashion Design and Management 

Food Science

Global Development

Global and Public Health Sciences

Landscape Architecture

Nutritional Sciences

Plant Sciences

Urban and Regional Studies


In addition to the minors offered within the programs listed above, students can choose to pursue a minor in a field related to sustainability. 

Climate Change

Community Food Systems

Crop Management

Digital Agriculture

Food and Agricultural Business

Fungal Biology

Healthy Futures


Infectious Disease Biology

International Trade and Development

Landscape Studies

Marine Biology

Nutrition & Health

Plant Breeding

Smart Cities

Soil Science

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems

Sustainable Business and Economic Policy

Sustainable Energy Systems

Graduate students can pursue various degree programs that incorporate sustainability within the specific field of study. 


Animal Science (M.S., M.S./Ph.D., Ph.D.)

Advanced Architectural Design (Post-Professional) (M.S.)

Architecture (M.Arch, M.S.)

Atmospheric Science (M.S., M.S./Ph.D., Ph.D.)

Biological and Environmental Engineering (M.Eng., M.P.S., M.S., Ph.D.)

Civil and Environmental Engineering (M.Eng., M.S., M.S./Ph.D., Ph.D.)

Comparative Biomedical Sciences (M.P.S.)

Design (M.A.)

Human-Environment Relations (M.S.)

Human Behavior and Design (PhD)

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (M.S./Ph.D.)

Entomology (M.S., M.S./Ph.D., Ph.D.)

Food Science and Technology (M.S./Ph.D.)

Geological Sciences (M.Eng., M.S., Ph.D.)

Global Development (M.P.S.)

Horticulture (M.S./Ph.D.)

Integrative Plant Science (M.P.S.)

Landscape Architecture (M.L.A., M.P.S., M.R.P./M.L.A. (dual degree))

Natural Resources and the Environment

Plant Biology (M.P.S./Ph.D.)

Plant Breeding (M.S., M.S./Ph.D., Ph.D.)

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology (M.S./Ph.D.)

Public Health and Planetary Health (M.P.H.)

Soil and Crop Sciences (M.S., M.S./Ph.D., Ph.D.)


In addition to the minors offered within the degree programs included above, graduate students can also choose to minor in the following:

Environmental Quality

Risk Analysis, Communication, and Policy

Sustainable Energy

Sustainable Energy Systems

Urban Studies

Water Resources