The Staff Sustainability Champions program spotlight recognizes staff across Cornell University who exemplify the Institution's commitment to sustainability and have shown leadership and initiative to catalyze change for a more sustainable campus and planet with their actions - big and small. Together, each of us are working to make Cornell a more environmentally friendly, socially just, and innovative campus. Staff at every level play a role Cornell's transformation to a sustainable campus.
About Lanny Joyce
Lanny Joyce, P.E.,CEM, Director of Utilities & Energy Management, Facilities and Campus Services
Lanny along with the Director of Utilities Distribution and Energy Management, Mark Howe, have done a tremendous job leading the campus with their engineering expertise in reducing the demand for energy use by Cornell's facilities. Lanny has especially been active in leading efforts to supply the campus with renewable, sustainable energy sources. Cornell has many old buildings and systems that are inefficient by today's standards. New research facilities, such as Weill Hall, use a large quantity of energy because they are research facilities that require much heating and cooling, very clean environments, large amounts of electricity and huge amounts of ventilation. Yet, Lanny and his team have steered these facilities to being as energy-efficient as possible while still maintaining their function as world-class educational and research facilities. To keep the facilities in “top tune”, Lanny suggested and lead the creation of Cornell’s innovative Energy Conservation Controls Team to continuously optimize and improve building energy systems. Since 2000, Cornell’s campus has grown over 20% in size yet the budgeted 2018 fiscal year energy use by the buildings will be slightly decreased. That accomplishment is the doing of Lanny, Mark, staff, consultants, and contractors.
Both Lanny and Mark have a positive, sustainable impact that reaches beyond Cornell and into our community. Lanny has long been a frequent presenter for Cornell's energy plans and systems - including Lake Source Cooling (Lanny was Cornell's Project Manager), the combined heat and power plant (Lanny was Cornell’s Project Director), energy conservation, energy management, high performance buildings, controls, and most recently present and future renewable energy systems and climate neutrality planning - to professional and civic organizations.
Each year, Lanny and Mark spread the word of and details about the Cornell University Energy Conservation Initiative to student classes and to a group of local/regional engineers (ASHRAE) through an on campus tour and technical presentation, and in doing so, helped transfer their knowledge and experience in the technology to other engineers. This is yet another example of Cornell as a world-class leader and a leader in our community.
Lanny defines the term "professional." He is technically skilled, highly ethical, and a good community leader.
Thank you Lanny for all you do!
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