Climate Action Month
Join us for Cornell's first annual Climate Action Month this November, a call to action on climate change, featuring conversations, actions, tours, and community-building. The campaign is inspired by Cornell University's Climate Action Plan, the overarching plan for achieving carbon neutrality for campus operations by 2035.
Host an Event
Events for Climate Action Month can be hosted by anyone. Simply create an event and follow the instructions below to have your program featured in campus-wide publicity.
- Post your event in the Cornell Events Calendar
- Events hosted from mid-October through mid-December will be included
- Tag “Sustainability” under “Departments" and as a University Focus Area. Use Ctrl button to choose multiple departments.
Events can be submitted anytime before and throughout November. Submit your event by October 30th to be considered for inclusion in our initial campus-wide promotions.
Get Involved
Climate Action Month is November!
- Check out events and opportunities happening mid-October through mid-December
- Open to all students, faculty, staff, and Cornell community members
Student Sustainability Leadership Summit
Sunday, October 20th, 10:00am-3:30pm | Register by Friday, October 11th
Stocking Hall (FREE, lunch provided)
The Sustainability Leadership Summit (SLS) is designed to educate students, staff and faculty about the latest practices and innovations in sustainability, train them in key skills such as leadership and project management, inspire them to initiate or participate in sustainability initiatives, and provide networking opportunities with peers, staff, and professionals in the sustainability field.
Scenes of Extraction
Tuesday, October 29th, 7:00pm
Cornell Cinema (FREE)
Scenes of Extraction (صحنه های استخراج) — directed by Sanaz Sohrabi — traces the technical and social entanglement between the infrastructures of oil and the camera during the operations of British Petroleum across the Iranian oil belt. The screening will be introduced by Caroline Levine, David and Kathleen Ryan Professor of Humanities in the Department of Literatures in English, and is presented in conjunction with her "Communicating Climate Change" course (ENG 3795).
What Can An Economist Have to Say About Climate Change?
Tuesday, October 29th, 4:30pm
Warren Hall, B25
Professor Robert N. Stavins '80 (Harvard University, A.D. White Professor-at-Large at Cornell) will describe how economics can greatly increase understanding of environmental problems, including climate change, and thereby play an important role in identifying and designing policy options that are scientifically effective, economically sensible, and politically pragmatic. He will begin by illustrating two key realities about climate change – one spatial and one temporal – that take us from science to economics to geopolitics and policy. From there, he will examine the role that economic policy instruments have played and may play in the future in countries around the world.
>>An A.D. White Professors-at-Large keynote public event
More events coming soon
Teaching about Climate Change
Monday, November 4th, 3:00-4:30pm
ILR Conference Center (Register)
Join colleagues experienced and new to explore the how and why of teaching about climate change. Given the diversity of approaches and educational priorities, how are instructors managing the fear and anxiety of the immediate threat, possibilities for action and advocacy, and accurate engagement with climate science? What does cross-discipline engagement look like down to the assignment level? In this workshop, come ready to explore the roles, responsibilities, creativity, teaching challenges and opportunities, and find connections across disciplines for future collaborations.
Constantine Samaras (Carnegie Mellon University)
Thursday, November 7th, 5:00pm
Myron Taylor Hall, 184 (Register)
Constantine (Costa) Samaras is a professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Affiliated Faculty in the Energy Science, Technology and Policy Program at Carnegie Mellon University. His research focuses on the pathways to clean, climate-safe, equitable, and secure energy and infrastructure systems. From 2021-2024, he served in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) as the Principal Assistant Director for Energy, OSTP Chief Advisor for Energy Policy, and then OSTP Chief Advisor for the Clean Energy Transition.
>> Part of the Cornell Climate Impact Speaker Series organized and sponsored by The 2030 Project and Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability.
Energy Expo
Wednesday, November 20th, 10:00am-5:00pm
Cornell Ag Quad and Mann Library Foyer (FREE)
Join us on the Cornell Ag Quad and the Mann Library lobby for a day of exploring and learning about fossil-free equipment, tools and management strategies being developed in New York! Learn more
- Come learn about great innovations to de-carbonize our lives!
- See energy efficient technologies on display
- Find current state, federal, and utility incentives
- Identify support to help decarbonize homes, landscapes, farms, municipalities, and businesses in your community!
More events coming soon
Robinson Meyer (Heatmap)
Thursday, December 5th, 5:00pm
184 Myron Taylor Hall (Register)
Robinson Meyer is the founding executive editor of Heatmap. He was previously a staff writer at The Atlantic, where he covered climate change, energy, and technology.
>> Part of the Cornell Climate Impact Speaker Series organized and sponsored by The 2030 Project and Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability
More events coming soon
Cornell Energy Drawdown
Looking to drawdown your carbon footprint at home or on campus? Here are three easy ways to make a greater impact.
Talk with your friends, family, and colleagues about what you're doing to reduce energy.
99% of Cornell students care about sustainability, according to recent Mission Sustainability surveys. Be empowered to discuss climate change & sustainability issues with those around you. Share how you plan to take action, and brainstorm ideas together. Your actions, and your words, make a difference.
Get someone you know to participate in Climate Action Month.
Maximize your impact by getting others involved. Invite your friends or colleagues to join you for an upcoming tour of campus energy facilities, or host an event encourage energy conservation where you live or work.
Visualize our collective impact on the Energy Dashboard.
Check out Cornell's Energy Dashboard to see real-time heating, cooling, and electricity use of Cornell's campus buildings. Find out how your building is performing today and over time, and consider ways to reduce your daily energy consumption.
Save Energy on Campus
Take high-impact actions to save the greatest energy and carbon emissions.
The Cornell University Energy Management Team and the Campus Sustainability Office teamed up to study real-time campus data on energy use, and combine this with leading behavior-change science. Together, we identified three, high-impact energy-saving actions to take where you live, work, and learn.
Learn more about Cornell's Greenhouse Gas Inventory and our efforts to reduce campus-wide energy consumption through our Energy Conservation Initiative.
Top Three Actions:
1. Switch to a Smart Power Strip (and turn it off)
- Save 3 kWh / day by plugging items into a power strip and turning it off before leaving / sleeping. No power strip? Simply unplug your electronics instead. Check out our guide to purchasing a smart power strip.
2. Take a shorter shower, with lower temperature
- Save 1.5 kWh for every min you shorten a hot shower and lower the water temperature. Even shaving one minute off counts - imagine if everyone in your residential community did it!
3. Wash full loads of laundry, always use cold water
- Save 1.5 kWh by washing full loads of laundry using cold water only. Did you know the laundry machines on campus are designed to clean your clothes effectively on the cold-wash cycle?
Why do these actions matter?
The best way to reduce your energy use in Cornell's residential buildings is to reduce hot water use and manage your plug load carefully.
Cornell produces our power on campus, which means energy is wasted when we heat water that isn't used efficiently. By lowering your water temperature in the shower and laundry room, and reducing the overall amount of time you're running water, you're reducing the amount of energy needed to heat up all that water. If every student who lives on campus reduces their hot water usage by 3 minutes a day this action alone could save 1.2 million kWh every month.
Plug loads and vampire loads are major energy users in residential buildings. Even when "turned off" most devices like TVs, DVD/Blu-Ray players, video game consoles, and cell phone chargers are drawing energy. By grouping those items together, plugging them into a power strip, and turning off the power strip before you leave your room or go to sleep --- you could save around 15-20 kWh per week, which over the course of the year is the equivalent of carbon sequestered by 1.5 acres of forest.
Top Three Actions:
1. Reduce heating needs, lower temps 1-2 degrees
- Set your room temperature just 1-2 degrees cooler during the winter months to save 1% of your office's energy use. Purchase a Cozy Toes heater for your feet to keep your body comfortable and reduce ambient heating needs.
2. Keep windows closed
- If air leaks cause 1/2 of home heat loss in the winter, imagine how much heat is lost from open windows in a building the size of an office, administrative building, or lab space on campus? When the windows are left open, building energy performance systems can't perform at their best, and may produce tons of unnecessary heating and cooling.
3. Switch to a Smart Power Strip (and turn it off)
- Save ~15% of your office's energy use by plugging items into a power strip and turning it off before leaving work. In your own work space, be sure to plug your items into a power strip and turn it off before leaving. No power strip? Simply unplug your electronics instead. Check out our guide to purchasing a smart power strip.
Why do these actions matter?
The best way to reduce your energy use in Cornell's offices and administrative spaces is to control your temperature, take care of your windows, and manage your plug load carefully.
By lowering the temperature set points in your office and reporting heating/cooling issues to facilities ASAP, you're helping Cornell document and prioritize efficiency updates or building malfunctions that may be causing unnecessary energy use. In addition, make sure all radiators are clear of books, tables, and belongings since radiators cannot work properly without convection.
During cold weather months, taking care of your windows is key. You want to keep cold air out and warm air in. First, ask facilities staff to remove window A/C units to help seal up your space. Then, keep windows closed to avoid ramping up the building's heating system to accommodate the heat escaping from the open windows. Next, close shades and curtains at night to keep warm air in, and reopen them during the day to maximize natural lighting and promote well-being in your space. Lastly, consider asking your facilities staff to install shrink wrap for older windows, which improves comfort and greatly improves energy efficiency.
Plug loads account for around 30% of an office's electricity use. Work with your team to set energy saver settings on copiers, computers, and monitors. Identify and unplug electronics that are no longer needed. "Vampire loads" account for about 10-25% of office energy use -- meaning items are still drawing power when not performing useful work (e.g. TVs, coffeemakers, plugged in laptops (fully charged), desktop computers in sleep mode, microwaves).
Top Three Actions:
1. Shut the Sash
- Reduce your lab's air ventilation by 2/3 by shutting the sash every time it's not in use. Did you know fume hoods account for half of all campus energy use?
2. Exit the Lab
- Cut your lab's energy use in 1/2 when you leave the room vacant and let the lab kick into a preset vacancy mode. The savings are huge! Step outside for lunch, for a break, and use common spaces in the buildings for meetings.
3. Raise Freezer Temps
- Identify cold storage in your lab that isn't being used, or doesn't need to be at maximum low temperatures. Achieve big energy savings by raising temperatures in ultra-low freezers from -80C to -70C. Check out resources from the Freezer Challenge, including evidence that -70C is a safe temperature to store many samples.
Why do these actions matter?
Cornell's biggest energy users are our lab buildings. Over half of total campus energy use comes from lab spaces - specifically, laboratory ventilation.
The best ways to reduce energy use in Cornell's lab buildings are to lower fume hood sashes, exit labs and work outside labs whenever possible, and proactively manage ultra-low freezers.
Laboratory ventilation is responsible for about HALF OF ALL ENERGY USE on campus. That's huge. One fume hood = 3 households' annual energy usage, and we have thousands of fume hoods on campus. Ventilation keeps us safe, but we need your help to reduce wasteful ventilation in fume hoods.
First, close the fume hood sash every time it's not in use to reduce air ventilation by 2/3. Since occupancy sensors cannot kick the lab into 'unoccupied mode' when a fume hood is open, this action is especially critical in reducing a lab's energy use. Second, hibernate your fume hoods anytime they will be unused for 2-3 weeks or longer.
This saves 200 kWh per week per hood ($100 per week, $5000 per year, based on 5ft hood). Email to take the fume hood out of service within 48 hours and to restore it within 48 hours. No charge, no problem.
Cornell labs are equipped with occupancy sensors that can kick labs into ventilation and lighting 'vacancy modes' once they are unoccupied (and fume hoods are closed), so one of the best things you can do is simply exit the lab and work, eat, and meet outside of labs whenever possible.Labs can achieve huge energy savings by raising temperatures in ultra-low freezers from -80C to -70C.